2ο Workshop of the Hellenic Crystallographic Association



 Molecular structure –microstructure refinement of polycrystalline samples


13-14 October, 2004

University of Athens, School of Physics

Solid State Physics Dept.



Wednesday 13.10.2004


9:00 a.m.- 9:15 a.m.   :  Registration, Opening

9:15 a.m.-11:00 a.m.  : Α. Stergiou (ΑUTH)  « Introduction to X-Ray Diffraction

                                                                            of polycrystalline samples»

11:15a.m.-13:00 p.m. : Α. Stergiou (ΑUTH)  « Introduction to the Rietveld

                                    method - Application to inorganic materials and polymers »


Break- Lunch


14:15 p.m.-16:00 p.m. : V. Psycharis ( NRCPS “Democritos”) « Refinement of

                                     molecular structure parameters- Examples using the

                                      program FULLPROF»

16:15p.m.-18:00 p.m.: Μ. Calamiotou (NΚUΑ) « Determination of microstructural

                                                                                 parameters »


Thursday 14.10.2004


9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.   : V. Perdikatsis (TUC) « Quantitative Phase Analysis

                                      with classical methods and with  Rietveld analysis»

11:15a.m.-13:00p.m.  : V. Perdikatsis (TUC) « Qualitative Phase Analysis, Applications-problems of quantitative phase analysis in geological samples»

Break- Lunch


14:15 p.m.-16:00 p.m. : V. Psycharis, Α. Gantis, V. Perdikatsis « Working examples-

                      Rietveld analysis using the programs FULLPROF, RIET,  TOPAS»

16:15p.m.-18:00p.m. :  V. Psycharis, Α. Gantis, V. Perdikatsis « Working examples-

                      Rietveld analysis using the programs FULLPROF, RIET,  TOPAS»


The Workshop will take place in the School of Physics, National&Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis Zografos, Building II, Room “Chondros”, 1st floor, and the working examples in the Computer Lab (same building and floor).