2nd Conference  


15-16 OCTOBER 2004 (NCSR Demokritos)

Friday October 15th, 2004



10:00 -10:30

Introduction -Welcome

1st Session

Chairs: D. MentzafosE. Eliopoulos

10:30 -11:00

G. Tsoucaris “Is supramolecular organisation a key factor for long term archaeological preservation?”

11:00 -11:30

N. Stefanou “Photonic crystals”

11:30 -11:50

M. Calamiotou “Rietveld refinement of the mixed valence manganite LaMnO3+del with tetravalent ion substitutions at the La site”

11:50 -12:10

A. Hountas  “A suggestion for solution of the phase problem by means of Quantum Mechanics”


Coffee break

2nd Session

Chairs: M. Calamiotou – A. Hountas

12:30 -13:00

J. Navaza “Combining Electron Microscopy and X-Ray techniques for structure determination

13:00 -13:30

M. Sakarellou-Daitsiotis “Apolipoprotein A-I peptide models as probes for developing atheroprotective agents”

13:30 -13:50

N. Papandreou “Universal positions in globular proteins revealed from structure analysis and simulation”

13:50 -14:20

G. Kordoyiannis “Powder X-ray diffraction study of the influence of dispersed silica nanoparticles on the SmA-SmC* phase transition of CE8 & DOBAMBC liquid crystals”


Light lunch + Poster session



Friday October 15th, 2004

3rd Session

Chairs: S. J. Hamodrakas – K. Petratos

15:40 -16:10

S. Tzartos Towards structural studies of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor

16:10 -16:30

Y. Papanikolaou “Crystal Structure determination of an alcohol dehydrogenase from the Antarctic psychrophilic bacterium moraxella sp. TAE123”

16:30 – 16:50

S. Skoulika “Reactive Microporous Rare-Earth Coordination Polymers that Exhibit Single-Crystal to Single-Crystal Dehydration and Rehydration”

16:50 -17:20

K. Yannakopoulou “Novel synthetic modifications of cyclodextrins and structural consequences – a view in solution”

17:20 -17:40

E. Moudrianakis


Reception  + Poster session + Assembly of HeCrA members



Saturday 16/ 10/ 2004

4th Session

Chairs: D. Tsernoglou - N. Oikonomakos

10:00 10:30

M. Wilmanns: "Structural investigations into the largest gene product of the human genome: titin"

10:30 – 10:50

I. Margiolaki Powder diffraction in Proteins”

10:50 –11:10

A. C. Papageorgiou “Crystal Structure of Streptococcus suis Dpr miniferritin: insights into iron incorporation”

11:10 – 11:40

C. Vorgias  The DNA binding protein HU is an ideal model molecule for thermostability. Thermodynamic and protein-DNA interaction studies”

11:40 – 12:00

Coffee break


Chairs: V. Nastopoulos – K. Kavounis

12:00 – 12:20

R. TyrrelWinners and Losers–Ranking Crystals from Diffraction Images”

12:20 – 12:50

E. D. Chrysina “Binding of β-D-glucopyranosyl bismethoxy-phosphoramidate to glucogen phosphosphorylase b: kinetic and crystallographic studies”

12:50 – 13:10

S. Pyrpassopoulos “Thermal unfolding intermediate of the BRCT tandem repeat region of human tumor suppressor gene product BRCA1”

13:10 – 13:30

N. Glycos “Parallelisation of a multi-model, multi-dimensional molecular replacement program”

13:30 – 13:50

M. Vlassi Structural and thermal studies on a general protein-protein interaction module”

13:50 -

Presentation of Poster Awards  - Closing Remarks